
HES Group Won the Bid of "Two Rivers and Four Riverbanks" Cultural Tourism Project in Chongqing City

发布时间 : 2020-08-31


Yangtze River surges ahead through Chongqing City, glorious lighting shines across the land. Chongqing city, located at the upper stream of Yangtze River, is affectionately called River Town.  Alongside the riverbank of Jialing Jiang, buildings tightly line up and shine splendidly at night, presenting a fabulous picture and showing vibrant growth of this city.


Relying on rich experiences accumulated in plenty of high-quality projects, superb technical solutions, HES Group won the bid of Chongqing Main District “Two Rivers and Four Riverbanks” cultural tourism project-the third part of night market opening ceremony with a total output value of more than RMB 70 million.


The dynamics and value of Chongqing city are facing momentous changes with the construction of “Two Rivers and Four Riverbanks”. It undertakes functions of urban industries, culture, social ecology and opening and development. As an important carrier to demonstrate the city image, there are plenty of night scene resources gathered here.

This project covers the riverbank area encircled by Huanghuayuan Jiangling River Bridge, Chaotianmen Yangtze River Bridge, Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge. The third part of the project is to light up the buildings in Yuzhong district core area. At the same time, a remote control system of the lighting is also built and will be managed by our smart lighting integrated control center. 




After winning the bid, HES Group made full arrangement and plan rapidly, actively organized technical personnel and deployed equipment. In July, Chongqing was hit by the worst flood in 40 years and the heat wave of over 40 degrees. Plus, there are many super high-rise buildings over 200 meters in the surrounding area. All these causes great influence for the process and construction of the project. Under the dual tests of heat and flood, every member in HES Group are facing the challenge head-on, prepare for all possible difficulties in the flood season in advance. With a strong sense of responsibility, we persistently stay at the frontline of on-site maintenance, ensuring to deliver the project on time.



The prosperity of a city is contributed by constructors. HES Group will adhere to the business philosophy of Building a Solid Foundation for Substantial Performances and forge ahead in lighting business. Night view construction is an important part in Chongqing urban development. We believe this “Two Rivers Four Riverbanks” project will become a splendid night scene in Chongqing city.

